It's a very small world

This week I have been reminded how tiny this world really is and how important it is to to be kind, humble and respectful to everyone.In the last week, Chris Aukett, who I first taught whilst doing cover at Strodes's College, who then joined my youth theatre before training full time with my theatre company Peer Productions, was cast by wonderful casting director and my best mate from uni, Jim Arnold.Meanwhile, I presented my first paper at an academic conference and shared a platform with Sarah Argent, a director who has worked with fellow Peer Productions' alumnus Katherine Carlton at Polka Theatre and Emma Miles an academic who analysed Katherine's performance in Grandad, Me... and Teddy Too. She has recently completed her PhD  at Royal Holloway - the same uni where I did my undergraduate degree and met the lovely Jim.


"But you wouldn't change her."


The 3 sex questions teenagers are too embarrassed to ask