
About Nina Lemon FRSA

I am a playwright, theatre maker and social entrepreneur. Back in 2006 I founded multi-award winning theatre company Peer Productions which specialises in peer education through theatre, training young actors to deliver new plays which tackle the issues which matter the most to young people.

I studied Drama and Theatre Studies at Royal Holloway University of London and completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Directing Text with Young People at Central School of Speech and Drama.  From 2010 - 2012 I was a member of the Nuffield Theatre Writer's Group under the mentorship of John Burgess. I am currently studying for a PhD at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama investigating how plays can be used to change the way young people think and behave in intimate relationships.

I am a member of the Writers’ Guild and have been awarded Fellowship of the Royal Society of the Arts.

I am a proud mum to two Autistic girls.